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Rankings - Page 38

# Name Pts Country
1851. itachi_warrior 1200
1852. parthbhat 6308
1853. amistat 114
1854. dharmemedra 32
1855. ingo_schwarz 92
1856. itsram 80
1857. frank sturm 940
1858. uthul methsilu 82
1859. asuyut borah 20
1860. scream71 38
1861. unfoxed 82
1862. guru200773 122
1863. abhiprayd 70
1864. thuktari 114
1865. chessplayer2011 184
1866. lyldal 668
1867. ansuman dash 4
1868. ituman4ik 130
1869. javitogo 24
1870. drugganought 0
1871. meadow preston 98
1872. vicfe 122
1873. enzomessina 0
1874. seddik2024 88
1875. ruwilag 8
# Name Pts Country
1876. sidatyelghassem 844
1877. erniguaka 74
1878. albatros-zhh 114
1879. yalom 0
1880. lasse1909 4
1881. petcovic 0
1882. akopianatrebates 740
1883. sajra 330
1884. marvin_lennin 144
1885. suhaan 312
1886. omaroski 230
1887. ajedrezitam 148
1888. seijaschess2024 120
1889. abhishekifmr 3482
1890. olli2205 60
1891. brolly 140
1892. fantong 0
1893. 98
1894. georstam 40
1895. absaar 294
1896. td2010 84
1897. cannone78 34
1898. amol sethi 56
1899. dragonbishop_05 40
1900. topcheckmater 0