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Rankings - Page 38

# Name Pts Country
1851. vkwauavbur 238
1852. vladimir_ 60
1853. vljk 32
1854. vn6789 324
1855. voddomagic 54
1856. voho 40
1857. vohoangnam 40
1858. vokhidov11 772
1859. volafan 1554
1860. voxman 0
1861. vsx27 44
1862. vultura 70
1863. vyankateshpagare 0
1864. w00lliy1 48
1865. waldi48 20
1866. walkingpawn 56
1867. waltermiller 0
1868. wankypseudonym 100
1869. wasgautiger 40
1870. wellday 394
1871. welop 3132
1872. wendeldomingos 282
1873. werball3112 38
1874. wesselhk 6
1875. wessi 92
# Name Pts Country
1876. wettermann 2364
1877. whichwayfromhere 184
1878. whiteknight2612 90
1879. wilburrl 0
1880. wilfried2310 214
1881. wilhelm_steinitz86 158
1882. willbiene 40
1883. willpower 60
1884. willquest 84
1885. wintermutevt 60
1886. wintermutex 12
1887. wkgp 40
1888. wlangguth 786
1889. wojciech gryciuk 2334
1890. wolverines 1036
1891. wp57 176
1892. writogyansarkar 20
1893. wulle27 40
1894. wurzelprumpft 1582
1895. wyllys12 118
1896. wzq2009 100
1897. xadrezvalle 938
1898. xanderjt 3210
1899. xanj 80
1900. xchris_123x 232